Get The meaning of the most used 500 islamic words in English Language.
This Glossary is one of the most complete reference for Islamic words and their meaning in English.
For example you will have:
Ṣamad (صمد) eternal, absolute; Muslims believe Allah is "The Eternal."
Salsabīl (سلسبيل) a river in heaven (al-firdaus)
Sawa awakening, revival
S.A.W. (or S.A.W.S.) Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam (صلى الله عليه و سلم). See P.B.U.H.
Ṣawm (صَوم) fasting during the month of Ramadhan. The word sawm is derived from Syriac sawmo.
Sayyid (سيّد) (in everyday usage, equivalent to 'Mr.') a descendant of a relative of Muhammad, usually via Husayn.
Sema refer to some of the ceremonies used by various sufi orders
Shahādah (الشهادة) The testimony of faith: La ilaha illa Allah. Muhammadun rasulullah. ("There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."). Sunnis regard this as the first Pillar of Islam. Also may be used as a synonym for the term Istish'hād meaning martyrdom.
Shahīd (شهيد) pl. shuhadāʾ (شهداء) witness, martyr. Usually refers to a person killed whilst fighting in "jihād fī sabīl Allāh" (jihad for the sake of Allah). Often used in modern times for deaths in a political cause (including victims of soldiers, deaths in battle, et cetera) which are viewed by some Muslims as a spiritual cause not just a political cause. But the real meaning of Jihad is to defend Islam in any way; thus, it could be in an economic way or could refer to fighting for the rights of the oppressed or the believers; most often it refers to mastering one's own inclination for evil and shirk.
Shaykh (شيخ) a spiritual master, Muslim clergy
Sharīʿah (الشريعة) "the path to a watering hole"; Islamic law; the eternal ethical code and moral code based on the Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma, and Qiyas; basis of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh)
Sharīf (شريف) a title bestowed upon the descendants of Muhammad through Hasan, son of his daughter Fatima Zahra and son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talib
Shayṭān (شيطان) Evil being, who follows Iblis or his temptations. Also a kind of demon.
Shīʿah (الشيعة) A branch of Islam who believe in Imam Ali and his sons (Hassan and Hussayn) as custodians of Islam by the will of Mohammed.
Shirk (شرك) idolatry; polytheism; the sin of believing in any divinity except God and of associating other gods with God.
Shūrā (شورى) consultation
Majlis ash-shūrā (مجلس الشورى) advisory council in a Caliphate
Also you will get the following chapters:
1 Glossary Of Islam (A-B)معاني المفردات الاسلامية
2 Glossary Of Islam (C-F)معاني المفردات الإسلامية
3 Glossary Of Islam (G-J)معاني المفردات الإسلامية
4 Glossary Of Islam (K-M)معاني المفردات الإسلامية
5 Glossary Of Islam (N-S)معاني المفردات الإسلامية
6 Glossary Of Islam (T-Z)معاني المفردات الإسلامية
7 List of English words of Arabic origin (A-B)كلمات انجليزية من اصل عربي
8 List of English words of Arabic origin (C-F)كلمات انجليزية من اصل عربي
9 List of English words of Arabic origin (G-J)كلمات انجليزية من اصل عربي
10 List of English words of Arabic origin (K-M)كلمات انجليزية من اصل عربي
11 List of English words of Arabic origin (N-S)كلمات انجليزية من اصل عربي
12 List of English words of Arabic origin (T-Z)كلمات انجليزية من اصل عربي
13 Etymology : origin of english words (A-F) أصول الكلمات
14 Etymology : origin of english words (G-R) أصول الكلمات
15 Etymology : origin of english words (S-Z) أصول الكلمات
16 Test your knowledge ماهو أصل الكلمة ١
17 Test your knowledge ماهو أصل الكلمة ٢
18 Test your knowledge ماهو أصل الكلمة ٣
19 Strange English Words 1 :كلمات انجليزية غريبة
20 Strange English Words 1 :كلمات انجليزية غريبة
21 Strange English Words 1 :كلمات انجليزية غريبة
This is the best etymology study of the most used Islamic words in arabic language and their meaning in English.
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